On May 19, 2012 the United States Black Cat Kenpo Karate Federation hosted its 13th Annual Tournament. With an average of 500-550 competitors each year, all displaying commendable heart and determination, as well as sportsmanship that makes their instructors swell with pride, this yearly event is always something to remember. But this year, those in attendance got to witness something truly historical. Grandmaster Art Beins was promoted to the highest rank possible in our system, 10th Degree Black Belt. This honor was awarded by his instructor, Grandmaster Raymond Gay, and Grandmaster Eugene Perceval, who is Grandmaster Gay’s instructor and a pioneer in the Martial Arts.
Seeing such a rare sight of three 10th Degree Black Belts standing there together was amazing, and for me, very emotional. These three men are very different, yet in some ways exactly the same. Their passion for what they do, their loyalty and love for their students and instructors, and their ability to inspire those whose lives they touched is the common thread that binds them together. The feeling of pride I felt at that moment, to be involved in an organization with three of the finest gentlemen on the planet, brought me to tears.
Grandmaster Gay trained Grandmaster Beins in his basement. To see where Master Gay’s student has taken his teachings must surely give him great pride. As he handed Grandmaster Beins his certificate Master Gay said, “I never thought in my life, I would live to see the day I awarded this to one of my students.” I’m sure glad I had the chance to see it.
Congratulations Grandmaster Beins on this monumental accomplishment. Words cannot express how honored I am to be your student, and more importantly your friend. You have changed the lives of so many and given us an organization that we are honored to be a part of. And you have done it all with never once compromising on you principles or integrity. Take a bow sir, it is truly deserved.