Creating your open form

Start with learning traditional Katas (forms) give you an opportunity to see actual techniques that have been passed on for hundreds of years. While each style of martial arts adds a little of there own personality and twist to each Kata, it’s very hard to find a traditional form that has not been changed. Having traditional values have always been a staple with clean, correct technique that demonstrates crisp, sharp power while telling a story with lots of emotional content.


An open form happens to be very similar to a traditional form, if its done correctly. It exemplifies excellent technique while allowing the individual a chance to put their ideas into play. Open forms allow growth for an individual by letting them push themselves to their physical limits. Developing super flexibility, amazing characteristic, and video-game style techniques. Being able to express one’s self through and open form without limits is similar to giving a child advice like, “if you can dream you can achieve it!”

Today’s style of open form starts off by playing with combinations similar to sparring. Instead of putting fighting techniques together, put traditional-style moves linked together with your own techniques. Tricks, as they are referred to are gymnastics-style, martial-arts moves that take parts of traditional techniques and put the individual’s twist on it. Open forms are mainly about a putting on a show or demonstration having very little to do with real-life, self-defense moves. Open your mind when creating an open form. Let your creativity run free, similar to an artist painting a mural. Having that open mind also allows you the ability to think on your feet and understand what your mind and body can do.

To start making an open form you must understand first that it is not a fight but a story. It is not real self-defense, sparring, or one-step. It is a demonstration similar to a movie. In a movie we know what’s real and what’s not. As martial artist, we know what is an actual technique and what is for show. That being said, let your imagination run free! Start by having fun and playing around with your favorite moves and link them together. It’s about letting your mind go and feeling the flow of Kata. If you have done traditional forms, then you understand they have a certain flow. They have highs and lows, fast and slow tempos. They have focused techniques and powerful techniques. Use them as guidelines but do not link traditional Kata’s together. Remember, an open comes from your imagination. Also remember you are only limited to your imagination, so get out their and modify and experiment with everything you can learn. I do believe it is part of the Martial Arts and is something that, when done correctly, can excite and motivate others through the emotional aspect of forms. Only you can make your dreams come true!

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